
Friday, August 3, 2007

John Chow Dot Com

Who in the blogging community hasn't heard of John Chow ? John Chow is a self (and community) claimed Dot Com Mogul, he is the man that has been there done that and has the money coming in monthly to prove it. When John Chow embarked on using anchor text of make money online to his advantage in the search engines, Google retaliated by removing his site from his page one listing. John has not allowed this to phase him a bit however as he still makes more than $12,000 a month from his site. John stresses the importance of not putting all your eggs in Google's basket by monetizing your site through a variety of ways, from affiliates to doing site reviews. John is an inspiration to anyone that ever wanted to blog for a living, his posts are professional and he interacts well with bloggers that comment on his site. John Chow was recently copied by a satire site calling themselves John Cow, and who can blame them, if you want to be top dog, you sometimes have to act like top dog. John offers a free Ebook from his site and it is a must read for anyone serious about blogging for a living. To learn more visit

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