
Thursday, February 28, 2008

From Working Class to Millionaire in Just Ten Years

I first heard of Millionaire Mommy Next Door from another blogger that suggested I check out her site. What I found when I did really impressed me. This blog is written by a woman that successfully achieved financial freedom and millionaire status in just ten years. She readily offers sound financial advice to her readers and explains her personal decisions that have led to her success. She has even appeared on the Montel Williams show. How did she do all this when others seem to struggle to simply pay the bills? She tells her story for all to read here. Not everyone that reads her blog will achieve even half of what she has but by following her example, we all have a better chance. I highly recommend heading over to Millionaire Mommy Next Door right now and seeing what changes you can take in your life to achieve your goals.

1 comment:

pizzatherapy said...

I had to go over to the blog to check out Millionaire Mommy.
I was skeptical. I was looking for anything that would show me, the Millionaire Mommy was a trick or a scam.
As I read her posts, I began to see she is very real indeed. And I like the fact she wants to give back.

Her secret: "Set a goal, make a plan and monitor your progress."

We would all do well to use her as a role model. As a Millionaire, the family lives below its means. This is an important financial lesson. What a great story! thanks for sharing this one.
albert grande