bad credit credit cards is a site that helps those with bad credit obtain credit cards by linking users to ten of the top credit card providers that cater to people that have bad credit. For some people that have bad credit, it is really through no fault of their own in the sense that they may have faced unseen circumstance that brought about the bad credit and are now just doing all they can, sometimes years later, to improve their credit scores. One thing that will improve your score is having available credit in the form of a revolving account (credit card). Obtaining one is not always easy though so if you do get approved, I highly recommend keeping your balance paid in full every month and only using the card when you can honestly say it is for something you need and you have cash on hand to pay the bill as soon as it comes in. The road back to good credit is long and not always easy but it can be done when you use common sense with your spending habits.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Bad Credit Stopping You From Getting a Credit Card?
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Pro Blog Reviews
11:22 PM
Labels: bad credit, credit cards
Frugality At It's Best
I was just over at Sense To Save and wanted to share this wonderful blog with everyone in the blogosphere. This blog takes frugality very seriously and the author sets a fine example by not only offering tips on how to be more frugal with you spending but also by donating items she can not personally use to others that can. I commend her for this as we all know free is my favorite flavor. Whether it's learning the truth behind generic product buying or how to make money by selling your unwanted items at yard sales, her posts are always informative and well worth the read.
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Pro Blog Reviews
11:11 PM
Labels: frugal living
Need Help Avoiding Bankruptcy?
As I sit back and watch the value of the American Dollar drop and see how the real estate market has taken a severe nose dive, I can't help but think how lucky I am. Well, I'm not even sure if "lucky" is the word to be used. I, like many Americans, have debt but unlike many Americans, I have learned that as we grow up and are taught to pay yourself first, we are actually being given the most sound financial advice anyone could ever receive. It doesn't matter if you stash away ten dollars a week or a hundred, the fact of the matter is that we can not predict the future as far as inflation, loss of job, injuries, illnesses, and the list goes on and on. By building a nest egg we can however allow some cushion for our fall in case we need it. The bigger nest egg you build the more cushion you have for hard times. So many do not stash any money away and inevitably find themselves facing bankruptcy. IVA is a site that specializes in debt management and helping these people to avoid bankruptcy and even how to avoid debt altogether. If you are one of the many that could benefit from such a service or if you just know someone else that could, don't you think it would be worth a few minutes of your time to stop into their site and see if they can help you?
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Pro Blog Reviews
10:50 PM
Labels: avoid bankruptcy, debt management
Buy Pearls Online From Tahiti Pearl
Valentines day may have come and gone but there are still many other occasions to show that special someone that you love them. It can be for a wedding, anniversary, birthday,high school graduation, or even just plain old Saint Patrick's Day. There are also just as many ways to show that you care as their are occasions to show it. You could buy a card (boring, unless you add money inside of it), buy roses(as if that hasn't been done to death already), ignore the occasion altogether(sure to land you in the doghouse), or the ever tried and still working, buy jewelry. Once you decide to buy jewelry, there are still a host of options available,everything ranging from watches to earrings to bracelets to rings (you get the point). Seems as if everyone buys either diamonds or gold so if you are really trying to impress (and stay out of that doghouse) I suggest you check out http://www.thepearlsource.comfor their very nice selection of pearls any woman is sure to love. You will find great discounted prices as well as quality so good they even back your purchase up with a 30 day guarantee. Whats not to love about that? Oh and if you do buy them as a Saint Patrick's day present, they are guaranteed not to turn your significant others neck green.
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Pro Blog Reviews
10:22 PM
Conspiracy Theories
I have to say that although I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, this next site did bring up many valid questions surrounding everything from aliens to the JFK assassination. I found the blog to be well written with lots of pictures to back up their posts. I am not an expert and can not possibly validate the authenticity of the photos, however even if much of this was just one persons over the edge views, it was still interesting reading so whenever you find yourself either bored or being followed by the men in black, why not stop in at The Conspiracy Zone and spend a little time?
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
10:10 PM
Labels: aliens, area 51, Conspiracy, JFK
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fight For The Money You Deserve
Have you ever been injured on the job due to no fault of your own? Maybe you have been in a car accident that placed you out of work and facing very large medical bills? Maybe you have an illness associated with someone elses carelessness that prevents you from living a normal life without pain, discomfort, or undue stress? The fact of the matter is there are tens of thousands of people in similar situations each year so where do you turn when large corporations or insurance companies try to get over on you without paying what you rightfully deserve? You could check out the Personal Injury specialists. They work in such a way that allows them to collect no fees from you unless they win your case. It is time more people stood up for themselves, said enough is enough, and made someone be held responsible for whatever situation they now find themselves in. Not everyone will have a good rock solid case but that can be decided with a free consultation where only those that do will be advised to proceed forward. If you or anyone you know has found themselves unable to work due to any of the above listed circumstances, I urge you to check out the Personal Injury specialists today.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
9:08 PM
Labels: personal injury lawyers
From Working Class to Millionaire in Just Ten Years
I first heard of Millionaire Mommy Next Door from another blogger that suggested I check out her site. What I found when I did really impressed me. This blog is written by a woman that successfully achieved financial freedom and millionaire status in just ten years. She readily offers sound financial advice to her readers and explains her personal decisions that have led to her success. She has even appeared on the Montel Williams show. How did she do all this when others seem to struggle to simply pay the bills? She tells her story for all to read here. Not everyone that reads her blog will achieve even half of what she has but by following her example, we all have a better chance. I highly recommend heading over to Millionaire Mommy Next Door right now and seeing what changes you can take in your life to achieve your goals.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
8:06 PM
Labels: millionaire mommy
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Gulf Oysters
Readers that love seafood, particularly oysters, can go to and read all about the post harvest process. This site can offer so much useful information on how to protect yourself from the dangers associated with eating raw oysters and is a must read for anyone that truly loves oysters. Gulf oysters are delicious, especially in hot sauce but can also be dangerous to people with diabetes, liver disease, or a weak immune system. I urge anyone that eats oysters to view this site and see if they fall into any of the at risk groups that should be avoiding raw oysters. The first time I had oysters was as a young boy and was done on a bet, since that time I have loved the taste but am now re-evaluating how I want mine prepared thanks to the really great information found at Gulf oysters .
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
8:20 PM
Help Me Pick a New Cell Phone Provider
For what feels like forever now I have been using Virgin Mobile Pre-Paid and I am finally over always having to go out and buy top-up cards. To be honest, I don't know too much about the different cell phone providers so I am bringing my problem to the blogosphere to help me solve. I need a cell phone and carrier that offers me the following :
1. must have a camera
2. must have blue tooth technology
3. must get a signal without me having to stand on one foot, finger touching my nose,sticking my tongue out,and reciting the alphabet...backwards!
4.must offer a lot(if not unlimited) minutes at a great price, same with texting.
I have been advised by several people to use Nextel only to have others tell me how much it sucked for them. Alltel seems to be another provider a certain someone is recommending to me but once again I hear horror stories. Since I obviously can not make up my own mind, I welcome any advice...both about what service is good as well as what service to avoid.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
8:56 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from 21 February 2008
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
To get your own policy, go to
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Pro Blog Reviews
10:18 AM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A Competent Sales Team - A Vital Ingrediant to Any Business
As I am a small business owner, I remember the early days when my company was just starting. I was working incredibly long hours between finding the next customer, making contact, structuring the deal, doing the job itself and then coming home to fill out and submit invoices to insure that myself and my then only part time worker got paid in a timely manner. I truly know my business from the ground up because I have at one time or another done every job in my company and carried every title. Sure I was the company owner but I was also the President / CEO, I handled the accounting, I was the only salesperson, and when needed I was nothing more than a laborer working right along side my employees( which I still do almost daily). Time has seen my business grow nicely and with more work I soon realized I can not possibly do everything myself so when it was time to renew my business license this year, I chose to also hire an accountant as well as a few commission based salespersons to relieve some of my workload. That alone was like seeing freedom for the first time in forever. My sales team has been a success in bringing me new customers and I fully believe that I could have earned so much more profit last year had I only hired them earlier on. I was lucky enough to get a good sales team but many businesses are not and may need to have their sales persons attend some sort of Sales Training, that is where comes in at, they even offer an online academy that is bound to have your sales team performing at a higher standard in record time. I would recommend any small business looking to grow check them out and see what they can do for you.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
6:37 PM
Do You Need a Business Plan?
I would like to start off this post by saying that another busy week at work has kept me away from the computer but I am now back with a few minutes to do some free blog reviews. I Stumbled upon 99 Bloggers Community Blog today and checked out their article on 10 Critical Steps to Writing a Business Plan. Although I have a business that is expanding faster than I had imagined, I have never really taken time to write a business plan. This does not mean that I would recommend not writing one to any person that is interested in starting their own business,on the contrary, I highly recommend writing one. Business Plans give you something to focus on and give potential investors an idea that your start-up has been well thought out. Nobody wants to invest in an idea no matter how good without first knowing how they will be able to see a return on that investment. Getting back to the review, the article was well written and brought out some good points. The site has an overall simple design that is easy on the eyes and no problem to navigate. The site is a community project of sorts where the community acts as a large group of posters. I found this idea to be nice as you never know what the next post will be pertaining to. To join the 99 Bloggers Community Blog simply click here and follow instructions.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
4:39 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Prescription Drugs Online
With the rising cost of health care and the rising efficiency of internet shopping it was bound to happen. You can now shop for your medications or simply order your refills from an online pharmacy . I now there are skeptics out there however is leading the way into a new era where life becomes simpler, more convenient, and less expensive all at the same time. All the medications dispensed through the site are FDA approved and they are all name brand. They have been around for 8 years now and do not carry generics at all. The site also offers free medical consultations and as if that weren't enough already, they also offer quick shipping as they know their customers need to be taking their medications and not simply waiting for them to arrive. Customers that are ordering refills are given a 20 dollar discount off retail price as well. They also offer a toll free number and 24 hour support 7 days a week for customers that have special needs or questions.That is an amazing benefit in itself, just try calling your local pharmacy and getting a question answered at 2 a.m. if you don't believe me. Being able to boast the lowest online prices for medications is another of the benefits to buying your medications from this site.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
7:48 PM
Let Your Voice Be Heard
If you are tired of politicians doing as they please without even giving you a chance to voice an opinion, have I got the site for you. allows users to rate their congressman and women as well as other world leaders. You can see where your congressman or congresswoman stands in the eyes of others and how they fare against their peers. This is your chance to let the worlds leaders know what you think, it is no guarantee that they will do things differently but at least you can say you tried. I found this site to be both useful and informative and recommend anyone with an opinion, and that should be everyone, head on over and check them out.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
7:20 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wikinvest: a new investing research portal!
I was just over at and was amazed by all the information available for various companies. For instance, if I were to mention the term gameboy , most of you would instantly associate it with the company that produced it and now produces the Wii, Nintendo, yet how many of us know that Nintendo was formed 118 years ago to sell playing cards? I did not set out to do research on Nintendo but I did discover many interesting things that I may or may not see posed as questions some day when playing Trivial Pursuit with family or friends. The Nintendo Wii was able to outsell its competition, the Sony Playstation 3 by a margin of four to one around the world, thats pretty impressive even for a company that brought such great games as The Legend of Zelda series, Mario Brothers, and Donkey Kong into our homes to be not only played but immortalized in gaming history. In June of this last year, Nintendo's stock price had the company valued at about 53 Billion dollars. The Japanese company's name even translates into "the company that leaves to heaven" and although I'm not sure if even they can achieve such heights, they are certainly more than a few rungs up the ladder of success with every indication of continuing the climb to the top.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
7:50 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I would like to congratulate Lynda Lippin of Pilates and Reiki in Paradise for accepting my challenge to post a counter argument on the benefits of business ownership. I just finished reading over her post and found it well thought out and written from the perspective of a person that had been there and done that. I found her blog filled with many interesting posts having to do with with things that pertained to a wide spectrum of subjects and this really surprised me because when I saw the word Pilates in the header, my first thought was "and what do I know about that? What make me qualified to even pretend to know anything at all about pilates?" Once I saw the titles of some of her posts I realized this blog could be enjoyed by anyone. In her counter argument, Linda laid out a very good description of what business ownership can be like, long days that never seem to end and constant stress to go find your next customer. I too suffered through that aspect during the first year of my business but somewhere along the way I managed to succeed in developing a goal oriented group of team players and while I am still dealing with some rather stressful days, I am finding these fewer and farther between. In short, my whole reason for issuing this challenge was because as a small business owner that succeeded, I know how rare it is to make it your first 6 months for new businesses, much less your first year, yet if you read most blogs out that choose to deal with this issue, you should all run out and quit your jobs today, start a business and live happier and wealthier ever after. I wanted readers to get a better perspective of what business ownership truly entails and I believe Lynda did a great job explaining 22 Reasons Why Owning Your Own Business Can Stink. I urge any future entrepreneurs to check it out before quitting their day jobs.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
7:06 AM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
A Romantic Vacation Remembered
Years ago, when I had first gotten married, I was in the Marine Corps and unable to take an extended leave for a honeymoon. My wife was very understanding as to the situation and was happy to settle for a weekend visit to Atlanta,Georgia. She had always wanted to visit Atlanta with all of the history of the city. We booked our flight and arrived, rented a car and went to the hotel. Our days were spent at Six Flags over Atlanta riding the rides and just enjoying married life. We ate at some of the really great restaurants Atlanta had to offer. This may have not been our dream vacation to Hawaii but in it's own way Atlanta was just as special and romantic. If you have never been to Atlanta I would highly recommend it. There are so many things to do in Atlanta that it can be an experience you will treasure the rest of your life. Trusted Tours & Attractions can offer you information on lots of vacation ideas and by signing up for their newsletter right now , you can become eligible to win a Canon PowerShot digital camera. After looking at their site just now, I may have to schedule a second honeymoon in Atlanta for this Summer, there seems to be even more available to see and do now than there was in 1993 and although I'm sure there isn't, Trusted Tours & Attractions sure makes it seem that way by pinpointing all the best things on my agenda.
This Post is Sponsored
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Pro Blog Reviews
4:11 PM
Benefits of Business Ownership
I just Stumbled Upon Zen Problog and read a very interesting post on 22 Benefits Of Owning A Business(And Why You Should Do It) . This post presented some very good and true statements as to the benefits, however I feel as a business owner myself that there are an equal number of disadvantages to being the boss as well. I would like to see some blogger out there offer a counter post on this topic, any takers? I would be more than happy to review the first blog that presents me with a post countering this one. The post must be presented in the comments section of this post and must present at least 22 disadvantages. I will only review the first blogger that posts a link for me to check out their argument in the comments so if you are wanting a free blog review...GO! My review will be posted within 24 hours of receiving the link. Good Luck to any blogger that wishes to participate.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
3:20 PM
Speed Up Your Broadband
The next blog I want to talk about is thedaily. I simply love this blog as it has given me great posts to read, the most recent being how to speed up my broadband connection by using simple free programs to tweak my PC's performance. This blog is worth taking a few minutes from your busy day to check out and I highly recommend visiting it.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
2:52 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Win $500 from Business Blogger
Thats right, Business Blogger is giving away a cool $500 and a BFG NVIDIA Graphics Card and as we all know, free is my favorite flavor. Why else would I give free blog reviews to the blogosphere? This contest is amazingly easy to enter. All a reader must do is provide a link to the contest itself as I have done above, another link to Business + Directory, and finally post length must be 250 words.
I have seen a lot of contests but this one has some truly amazing prizes and all coming from a blog that is a pleasure to read anyway. This contest is supposed to span the entire month of February so there is really no excuse for not taking the time needed to write a post, enter the contest, and try to walk away from it all $500 richer after being paid through PayPal. The runner up will be the receiver of the BFG NVIDIA Graphics Card so in all there will be two winners from one contest. How sweet is that? Even if you do not get lucky enough to be one of the winners, even if you decide you do not have time to write the required 250 word post, I still urge you to check out this blog as it is just that awesome, from the easy on the eyes template to the very interesting posts this blog is a diamond in the rough just waiting for you to discover it. I myself a going to be subscribing to the RSS feed so I will be sure to catch all future posts coming out of Business Blogger. Remember this contest expires at the end of February so start writing your entry post and good luck to everyone, especially me :-)
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
8:26 PM
Something to Laugh About
Every now and then we all just need a good laugh to break up the monotony. Today was like that for me, after an excessively busy week for business (always a good thing) I was looking forward to finally getting back to blog reviews. Makes You Laugh brought some much needed humor into my day. I found this site amusing whether I was reading jokes or simply watching videos of the Super Bowl commercials. This blog is nicely done and I will be bookmarking it for future laughs.
Posted by
Pro Blog Reviews
8:17 PM