
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Monetize with PayPerPost

Just because I give free blog reviews does not mean that I too wouldn't like to make a little money from blogging so as of today I am signed up and approved for PayPerPost. For anyone that has been living in the dark ages and has no idea what PayPerPost is, I will attempt to explain. It is where bloggers can sign up for and get paid to post about certain affiliates and in exchange the blogger will be paid a pre-set price. I heard about PayPerPost when I asked other bloggers around the blogosphere what steps they were doing to monetize their sites. Almost ever one of them mentioned PayPerPost. I hope to be able to make a little extra money through these postings. I will still be providing free blog reviews but every so often you will see a post that is strictly designed to make me money. I will try to limit these to stay in the true sense of my blog. Maybe I will eventually use some of my earnings to get paid hosting and my own domain name, or I may let it accumulate and hold a contest for my RSS subscribers. Either way I recommend any other bloggers that want to monetize their sites to check out PayPerPost, after all you're gonna post anyway, you may as well get paid for your trouble.


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